Tuesday 22 June 2010

2x2 Weaves - Day 7

For this session, we simply continued with what we had been previously doing during session 6. At the start of our session I decided to move the sets of poles so that they had 4' between them because Tia was finding it difficult to work out what to do with the 4 poles. After doing a couple of repetitions of the poles 4' apart I moved them to normal competition distance. Tia completed all the repetitions really well, she found her entry to the poles pretty much every time, and I could see that she is getting more confident and speeding up once she got into the entry.

During the afternoon part of this session, I continued with some more repetitions of the poles set at 1 and 7 o'clock and then gradually move them so that they eventually ended up in a straight line. Tia coped really well, she is finding the entries from either side and is not going slowly, she is doing so well, I really am impressed with the progress so far.

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